Sunday, May 24, 2009

Another DIY Save-The-Date

Last week, I thought of doing another STD using Scrapblog.. I liked the last STD I did... but I felt that it's still not THE save-the-date for us.. you know what I mean??... Like it's nice and all, but it seems that something is still missing...

And then this......

Our pictures taken by Wally Gonzales

I SUPER DUPER LOVE IT!! It's just PERFECT for our wedding theme! And when you see our invites, you'll also know why...;) I'm also proud of the fact that I made this more or less from scratch..:) meaning I didn't use any of the free (already made) templates from Scrapblog, but just made use of their stickies and mixed them all up...:) I truly 101% heart this!:)




Photos & Scrapbooks | Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial License | Dandy Dandilion Designed by Simply Fabulous Blogger Templates